As Northern California battles raging infernos, the brave neighbors to the west have issued a distress signal – and Texans are answering loud and clear! The Golden State’s emergency management officials have sounded the alarm, requesting backup from fellow Americans across the country. And who better to answer the call than some good ol’ fashioned Texan grit?
The Lone Star State is sending over 100 top-notch firefighters to lend a hand (and hose) against the behemoth blaze known as the Park Fire. This monster conflagration has already ravaged land equal in scope to the entire city of Los Angeles – and it’s still largely unchecked.
With containment stuck at just 12%, authorities haven’t hesitated to issue evacuation orders for multiple communities north of Sacramento. Nearly 4,000 heroes on the ground are fighting tooth-and-nail alongside aerial reinforcements like tanker planes and choppers. Sadly, at least 66 buildings lie smoldering ruins thus far… but miraculously, zero lives lost.
A welcome respite comes courtesy Mother Nature herself; cooler temps forecasted for this week should give those hardworking first responders a slight edge. Don’t think for one second though, dear reader, that means danger’s passed us by…
In fact, when the Texas boys arrive on scene they’ll bring muscle in tow: twenty-five trusty engine trucks plus command center wheels rolling into action. We salute each every single firefighter heading West Coast-bound.