Electric Car Battery Explosion Kills a 15-Year-Old and Injures 163 People

Photo Spirit / shutterstock.com
Photo Spirit / shutterstock.com

It was 2:43 a.m. the other night at the Tashkent Airport in Uzbekistan when a catastrophic explosion lit up the night sky. The initial explosion was absolutely massive. It looked like when the cruise missiles were striking Baghdad during Operation Shock and Awe back during the second Iraq War. What was happening? Had Russia or Ukraine accidentally lobbed a cruise missile that went off course and struck an airport parking structure? Were they at war?

Nope! It was just another huge electric car battery explosion.

Contrary to the lies of the Green New Deal lobbyists in the Democrat Party, this is a thing that can happen with volatile and dangerous electric car batteries. One electric car battery at Tashkent Airport exploded for unknown reasons. That set off a daisy-chain reaction of a bunch of additional electric car batteries exploding in unison, which resulted in a flaming mushroom cloud a half-mile in height rising up in the night sky above the airport.

A 15-year-old boy was killed in the explosion, and 163 additional people were injured. 28 people were hospitalized for their injuries. None of the dead or injured were actually at the airport, however. The explosion was so huge that the blast hit and damaged hundreds of homes surrounding the airport. Videos of the aftermath show apartment buildings where every window is blown out and destroyed. The blast from the explosion was felt up to 20 miles away.

Dozens of ambulances were called in to assist with the wounded, and the military was sent in to help. At least five children were injured by flying shards of broken glass from the electric car battery explosion. The 15-year-old who died was killed when a window frame collapsed inward and hit him in the head.

The initial news reports in Uzbekistan claimed that a plane had crashed into the warehouse where the explosion occurred. The authorities in the former Soviet state were then forced to announce—sheepishly—that there had been no plane crash. They admitted that the warehouse was the location where a bunch of electric cars and electric car batteries were being stored.

Then, they changed the story again. The Uzbekistan government announced that lightning must have caused the explosion. When people took to social media to point out that there wasn’t a storm happening that night, they changed the story again. (Everybody lies in Uzbekistan. It’s like Massachusetts.)

Under the latest version of the story, the Uzbek Emergencies Ministry is now claiming that it was the engine of a natural gas hybrid car that exploded. Does it really matter? The end result was the same. A 32,000-square-foot warehouse was reduced to rubble in a fiery explosion that was felt up to 20 miles away. Hundreds of people had their homes damaged, and a teenage boy died.

Question for the global warming cultists: Was it worth it?

Or did those “environmentally friendly” EVs cause more even damage to the environment, in the form of a massive fire and toxic chemicals released into the air?

Is anyone else just about done with this electric vehicle craze yet? These vehicles are built with child slave labor. More carbon is expended simply creating one electric vehicle than a gas-guzzling SUV will expend over a 40-year period. It’s time to start following the science by abandoning this fantasy of everyone owning an electric car.

Here’s a video of the aftermath of the explosion at the Tashkent Airport: