Certain events in the US have a special air to them. Box seats at the Kentucky Derby. Opening Day at Fenway in Boston, MA. The Masters in Augusta, GA. Held this year from the 11th through the 14th of April, the city comes alive for the tournament. A historic city set on the Savannah River, Augusta is the epitome of the luxurious South.
For many, the first few days are for the people who just want to say they went to the Masters because the real action only gets tight on the back nine holes of Sunday the 14th. This is when they have trimmed the fat, so to speak. Now, you know who needs to play perfect or who might have some breathing room.
In the meantime, the city boasts ample parks in and near the river that also run along historic Broad Street. As the name implies, the street is exceptionally wide and offers a plethora of shops with some of the best Southern cooking, including the infamous Georgia barbecue. For a break from the shopping and to take in some history, the Augusta Museum of History is a great stop. Focusing extensively on the city’s major achievements with steam, it also pays honor to its own James Brown.
The Morris Museum of Art and Pexcho’s American Dime Museum make for excellent afternoons. If you want to take a few strokes yourself, the Point South Golf Club, Forrest Hills Golf Club, and Augusta Municipal—aka ‘The Patch’—are all PGA-worthy.
Once you’ve gotten back to the course, it’s like every other major event; get there early and secure your spot for the day. With the Masters, though, once your chair is there, it’s your spot. While not recommending that you drop a chair and leave for the whole day, be reasonable, but you can walk away for a hot BBQ sandwich or a cocktail and come back just fine.
As for what spot to choose, right behind the 16th tee, Redbud is an iconic place to be. You can get to the 15th green and 14th tee without going too far. Plus, the approach for the 13th green is also within walking distance.
Enjoying the Masters the right way means also experiencing Augusta as a whole. This is a historic and welcoming city and the perfect backdrop to such a historic tournament.