Polish farmers are fed up with the way their industry is being treated by the EU and have vowed to block the country’s entire border with Ukraine in response. This comes on the heels of the discovery of thousands of tons of illegal crops at a train and truck depot near the border, which could potentially have flooded the market and tanked Polish crop prices if it had successfully been brought in.
The European Union and the newly elected globalist Prime Minister of Poland are eager to implement the “Green New Deal” across Europe. Farmers will be hardest hit if these policies are implemented.
Polish farmers have a trade union called Rural Solidarity, which announced a 30-day general farmers’ strike on February 9th. The farmers acknowledge that the problems they’re facing right now are two-fold. The EU’s environmentalist regulations are making it harder to do business, and the influx of black-market crops from Ukraine threatens the nation’s food security.
Starting on February 20, all the farmers’ strike efforts will be focused on blockading the borders with Ukraine. Farmers are parking their tractors at border crossings, transport hubs, and access roads to transshipment rail stations and seaports.
The EU has thrown open the border between Poland and Ukraine and has been allowing crops to flood in for several months now. Funny how all those Ukrainian farmers are able to keep farming with a war going on. While that is helping Ukrainian farmers, it’s not doing any favors for their Polish counterparts. Flooding the market with illegally imported crops only serves to impoverish local farmers and drive them out of business. (Here in America, we used to call this NAFTA!)
The farmers in European countries are turning out to be one of the greatest weapons against globalism. Western leaders either have to start looking out for their own people, or else they’ll be faced with empty grocery store shelves and even more political volatility.