Valentina Gomez Wants To Be the AOC of the GOP

When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) first hit the political scene in 2019, she was quick to make use of clips from her time in college to get voter attention. Playing herself up as just another one of the liberals, combined with her Hispanic flair and oversized smile, she quickly became one of the darlings of the left. Helping her push was a collective of four younger female Democrats who were dubbed “The Squad,” and AOC just happened to take the front.

Seemingly in a Great Value edition of AOC, the Republican candidate for Secretary of State in Missouri has appeared in clips of her own. Filmed jogging along in a weighted vest, she proclaimed, “In America, you can be anything you want. Don’t be weak and gay. Stay f*cking hard.” Cutting to a photo of her holding a pistol in one hand and rifle in the other, she is trying to appeal to hardline GOP voters.

This attempt by Gomez to be a GOP edition AOC isn’t a good look. While both women are young, in shape, attractive, and Hispanic, we don’t need anyone like AOC on this side of the fence.

Already catching blowback from all directions, she knew this would be a controversial video. Previously burning incredibly scandalous books, she promised voters that if elected, she would ensure all the liberal agenda books would face the fire.

Incumbent and fellow Republican Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is not fighting her for the position. Instead, he is leading what looks to be a successful campaign for the Governor’s office. While other candidates are fighting Gomez for the position, none have taken this bold stance or launched an election campaign this divisive.

For Gomez, this ad could easily spell the end of her campaign. While most people can agree with the idea of staying hard and being strong, her equating failure and weakness with being gay won’t get her votes or campaign dollars.