As dictator Nicolás Maduro continues to cling to power amidst widespread accusations of electoral fraud, he’s attempting to distract citizens from the ongoing repression by declaring early celebrations of Christmas starting on October 1st. This move only serves to further highlight the stark contrast between the regime’s festive rhetoric and harsh reality faced by millions of Venezuelans living under oppressive rule.
“Ah, September smells like Christmas!” exclaimed Maduro during his recent TV broadcast, seemingly oblivious to the suffering endured by those who dare challenge his grip on authority.
Meanwhile, just prior to making his “festive declaration,” authorities issued an arrest warrant against key opponent Edmundo González, accused of crimes related to so-called ‘terrorism.’ Such moves demonstrate how farcical Maduro’s promises of “peace, joy, and security” ring hollow when confronted with brutal force exercised towards anyone daring to defy his autocratic whimsy:
“This year…I’m gonna decree the beginning of Christmas on October 1. Christmas arrives for every one, in peace, joy, and security!”
Behind the thin veil of merriment lies cold-blooded calculation: human rights groups report staggering figures – nearly 2400 arrests made in connection to anti-regime demonstrations following July’s disputed elections; multiple fatalities resulting directly from state-sanctioned violence; and countless individuals forced underground out of fear of persecution. As noted by Juanita Goeberthus of Human Rights Watch,
“On average,[t]his year is much more intense in terms of the number of people that have died in the context of post-election violence.”
Despite the façade of yuletide cheeriness projected through carefully choreographed rallies, there exists no room for legitimate grievances within Maduro’s totalitarian vision. When questioned about alleged irregularities surrounding his most recent win, he resorts to vitriolic taunts reminiscent of playground bullying tactics.
Amidst such blatant manipulation, it falls upon religious institutions to restore sanity. As the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference rightly reminds us, “Christmas commences on December 25, Mr. Maduro”.
Will anyone hold accountable the strongman responsible for plunging his nation further toward darkness? Only history can judge if justice prevails. For today though, let us stand together against tyranny and uphold basic dignity in the most festive season of them all.