During a rare radio interview last week, Joe Biden expressed his anger with “extremist MAGA Republicans” who don’t want to expose small children to gay pornography. The nerve of those extremists! Biden’s off-script remarks, which creeped out every normal person who heard them, are probably part of the reason why Biden has only made four public appearances in the last 25 days. The only time when Joe Biden becomes excited is when discussing ice cream or sexual matters with toddlers. That’s a tough way to run a presidential campaign.
Biden made the claim that Extremist MAGA Republicans™ are “trying to ban books,” which, of course, is a lie. The Democrats know full well that they have been deliberately inserting subversive books depicting graphic gay sex and transgenderism in children’s libraries across the country. When normal parents speak out about the risks of exposing their kindergartners to this disgusting filth, that is not “banning books.” It is protecting children from liberalism.
“The idea that you can be told that you can’t read certain books,” stated alleged sex criminal Joe Biden.
“This is the United States of America, for G*d’s sake,” he blasphemed. “These guys are afraid of the truth!”
Democrats always try to play this bait-and-switch game these days when it comes to parents trying to protect their children. They pretend that “MAGA extremists” are trying to ban Charlotte’s Web when the reality is that parents don’t want their 6-year-olds exposed to comics depicting erect penises and gay anal sex in their child’s school library. Which the Democrats have placed in school libraries across the country. (Reason #4,672,488 to homeschool your children.)
One of the most notorious books that liberals have placed in elementary school libraries across the country is “Gender Queer,” by Maia Kobabe. This gay-sex comic book is so filthy that Amazon cannot show you preview images of the pages inside if you look it up online. It’s the comic book version of what happens in the US Senate chambers when Democrat staffers get some alone time.
We shouldn’t be surprised that Joe Biden is 100% in favor of exposing 6-year-olds to sexual materials. After all, he has a long history of sexual inappropriateness with women and small children.
Biden was credibly accused of raping Tara Reade, one of his US Senate staffers, in the 1990s. Plus, we’ve lost track of how many videos have been posted online of Joe Biden trying to sexually grab the children of Members of Congress on picture day when Biden was Obama’s vice president. Kudos to former Sen. Jeff Sessions for slapping Biden’s hand away when he tried to grab the breast of one of Sessions’ prepubescent granddaughters.
Former Secret Service agents have also documented Joe Biden’s long history of sexual creepiness. Before the dementia set in so deeply, Biden used to go for a nude swim every day, which was hell on earth for the female agents assigned to the VP detail. The Secret Service also had to cancel its annual Christmas party in the vice-presidential residence when Joe Biden was in office because he always tried to get handsy grabbing the boobs and butts of agents’ wives and girlfriends. One agent had to be disciplined after he tried to punch Vice President Grabby McGrabberton in the mouth.
And who could forget that Joe Biden sexually traumatized his own daughter Ashley by forcing her to take “inappropriate showers” with her when she was a small child? Ashley painstakingly described that in her diary, which ended up being publicly leaked before the 2020 election.
If you are in favor of pedophilia and exposing small children to graphic sexual materials, you know exactly who to vote for in 2024, and it’s not the “MAGA extremist” candidate.