If you haven’t heard, COVID-19 is supposedly on the rise again – just in time for a new vaccine. And now, the CDC has quietly and suddenly shut down the primary system for reporting adverse vaccine effects.
According to ABC, a new push for COVID-19 vaccinations is about to begin, presumably due to a rise in COVID-19 cases nationwide.
The CDC recently said, “Vaccination is going to continue to be key this year because immunity wanes and the COVID-19 virus continues to change.” And so, you should remain up to date on all your COVID shots to protect “against hospitalization and death,” as well as to “reduce the likelihood of ‘long COVID.'”
However, some are finding it rather interesting that this push is happening just a few months after the CDC’s primary system for reporting adverse reactions to the vaccines has been officially shut down.
The CDC admitted that their V-safe app was phased out in late May. The agency noted that while it was their most widely used system for obtaining information about the possible dangers of the vaccines, it is no longer needed.
To be clear, they aren’t saying that vaccines don’t need to be reported on anymore exactly. Instead, they are apparently developing a new version of V-safe for “users to share their post-vaccination experiences with the new vaccines.”
But that won’t be out for a while.
So, how are people supposed to go about reporting any bad “experiences?”
The only real thing left is VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), which, in comparison, is a dinosaur. As Megan Redshaw noted on Substack, it’s an “exhaustive process” that will likely only end in another pile of reports to be discarded.”
Plus, it’s operated by the FDA, not the CDC.
Naturally, the conclusion is that the CDC no longer wants to hear about how the vaccines aren’t “safe and effective.” And so they’re simply shutting down any real way to report that.
What are your thoughts?