Majority in CNN Poll Say “No Chance” They’ll Vote for Joe Biden in 2024

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RozenskiP /

The bad news just keeps coming for Joe Biden and the Democrats when it comes to 2024 polling. We’re only two months away from the first presidential primaries, and very few polling outlets in the country are finding a majority of voters who are willing to support Joe Biden over Donald Trump. Even CNN failed during its most recent poll, conducted between October 27th and November 3rd.

The latest CNN poll found that a majority 51% of voters say there is “no chance” they’d vote for Joe Biden next year. The poll also found that President Donald Trump enjoys the highest approval rating out of all the people running.

Trump’s approval rating is currently 38%, a 7% increase from December a year ago in the same poll. Joe Biden’s approval rating is at 36%, having dropped another 6% from this time last year. The next closest contender was Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at 31%. Unfortunately for Kennedy, his entire campaign field staff quit on him last week, including campaign manager Dennis Kucinich. It’s unclear at this point whether Kennedy will even be able to make it on the ballot now.

The biggest shock from CNN’s polling is that a plurality of “men of color” voters now prefer Donald Trump over Joe Biden. Among “men of color,” the poll found that 49% plan to vote for Trump, compared to only 46% support for Joe Biden. That makes the math disastrous when it comes to Biden hoping to somehow eke out a win next year.

This news comes on the heels of two separate polls last week that found President Trump leading Joe Biden by sizeable margins in five of the six swing states that were stolen in the 2020 election. The most hilarious part about all of this is that it’s almost too late at this point for the Democrats to replace Biden with anyone else.