Here Are Vivek Ramaswamy’s Shady Ties to George Soros & COVID Shots

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Republican presidential primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has shot ahead of Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, and the losers into third place, trailing only Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. In the latest Iowa polling, Donald Trump is at 49%, Ron DeSantis is at 16%, and Ramaswamy is at 10%.

People are starting to take notice of him. That doesn’t mean he’s a good candidate. At this point, it means that many of the voters have been duped about Ramaswamy’s shady origins. Would he still be polling at 10% if people knew of his ties to George Soros, for example?

Ramaswamy seems to be some kind of FinTech whiz kid who came out of nowhere.

Anytime that he appeared on Tucker Carlson’s former Fox News show, he was always talking about some sort of financial news. That seems to be the origin story that the smooth-talking Hindu wants people to believe. Ramaswamy’s actual origin story is quite a bit different.

He doesn’t have a degree in finance. Ramaswamy is a lawyer. He went to Yale on a Soros Fellowship back in 2011. Funny how he never publicizes that part of his origin story, isn’t it? If he were just another lawyer from Yale, well, so what?

So is Ron DeSantis. But a lawyer who went to Yale because he was financially backed by George Soros? That’s a completely different story.

It appears that Ramaswamy’s connection to Soros extended beyond 2011, but much of the information has been scrubbed from the internet. Here is one hint from a Soros Fellowship news release:

“Roivant Sciences announced today that it is working with regulators in the United States and around the world to advance the clinical development of Gimsilumab, an antibody that could prevent and treat acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which has been widely connected to the COVID-19 virus. 2011 Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow Vivek Ramaswamy, the child of immigrants from India, is the CEO and founder of Roivant Sciences.”

Is anyone else’s “Spidey sense” starting to tingle?

Articles on the Soros Fellowship website do not describe what recipients later do for George Soros, but there’s no question that they all have to do something for him. He doesn’t give money away for nothing. Like Don Corleone, he always has a favor that he will call on them to return sometime.

The articles on the Soros Fellowship website do, however, tell us what George Soros’ priorities are. The fact that they were highlighting Ramaswamy’s founding of a pharma company, tells us that George Soros was very interested in developing COVID vaccines.

That’s no surprise since the mRNA technology has killed and sexually sterilized millions of people around the world. That sounds just like George Soros’ bread and butter.

Ramaswamy never talks about the fact that he was a pharma investor backed by George Soros, or that he was catapulted somehow from poor immigrant status into the one-percenter club with financial backing from Soros.

Much of this info has also been wiped from the internet. As of this writing, Ramaswamy’s Soros Fellowship is cited on his Wikipedia page—but the link to the Soros Foundation about him is dead.

Why do you suppose the Soros Foundation would scrub an article from its website about Ramaswamy? Maybe it’s because he is yet another Trojan horse who is in the race and secretly being backed by Soros, to try to take Donald Trump out?

Ramaswamy never talks about the fact that he financially benefited from Soros, or that he was or is a pharma executive. These are major red flags that the voters need to be aware of.