Staten Island Residence Warns Illegals To Go Back to NYC if They Know What’s Good for Them

Roman Babakin /
Roman Babakin /

When a situation is really ugly, you need to be honest with the people who are about to be impacted the most. At least that’s what a recording from a State Island, NY residence seems to be proclaiming to busses of illegals before they decide to depart for the shelter or head back to NYC.

“You are being lied to by Mayor Eric Adams. This shelter has 300 cots in one room. You will have no privacy, you will have no showers — you had a hotel room with privacy and a bathroom in New York City. Do not get off the bus, tell them you want to go back to your hotel … this shelter has rats and cockroaches, this building has mold, and is unsafe for you. You are being lied to, this building is not safe for humans. The community wants you to go back to New York City — immigrants aren’t safe here.”

Repeated in five different languages, Newsmax personality and former Independent city comptroller candidate John Tabacco is behind the initiative and paying for the use of Scott Herkert’s residence to present the message. Situated right next to the now defunct St. Johns Villa Academy, the city has now turned it into a migrant shelter to answer the problems of New York City.

Covered extensively by the New York Post (NYP), they noted that the sewage has certainly been a grave concern, but mold and pests have not been noted by the outlet. Showers have been outside with a minimal curtain for privacy, and with fall rapidly approaching, it won’t be humane too much longer.

For Tabacco, these kinds of warnings are paramount to protecting the area as well as these illegals who are being deceived. He and others have heard the stories these people are being told. Rich promises of air-conditioned bus rides, being put up in 5-star hotel rooms, and being given debit cards with tens of thousands on them to come to America are being told to these people. With little to lose by making the journey, they set out in the hopes of being able to help at home and maybe even get them up there, too.

Those living on the southern border have been dealing with these problems for decades. While in years past, the Democrats at least gave them the tools to continue the success of the year prior, now they are being told to make do with even less. In a not-so-subtle message to those living on and working at the border, President Biden and the leftists don’t care about how hard they make American life. Instead, they care about getting these illegals here and trying to streamline their citizenship.

Stacking the deck for decades of votes for the liberals and flooding the American streets with illegals from other nations has long since been the liberal dream. Their dreams of opulence are quickly replaced when they arrive to 300 cots in a cement room with little windows on Staten Island, according to Tabacco.

Staten Island resident Carla Mohan talked with the NYP extensively about the reports she is getting from friends in Venezuela.

“So they give up everything to come here, and then they find out they’re lied to and that not only can they not get a job, they’re going to be sleeping on cots next to 300 other people, 300 other strangers, or living in tents and moved around…Mayor Adams, our leaders, they’re telling us that we need to be compassionate, and now they’re back-peddling and telling us it’s not sustainable. These are human beings. They’re being lied to just like we are.”

Just like a kid cheating at a card game, Biden is lying to everyone to stack the deck for the next three rounds. Enough is enough, we need to stem the tide and send them back home. We simply don’t have enough to take so many.